Do You Care....??

Hmm, do you care what people think about you as long as you are happy with yourself? does it really matter to you? I think or I would say those who are satisfied from their own lifestyles or activities or behavior or you can say the way you are, are never give a damn about what people say.. but in case you are bothering about that then hear me out..

Well, this is not a new concept, it is universal known facts that no matter how hard you try to please people, they will act as per their level of perception, Right.? then why bother about that, what people think about you, how they react on your activities.. 

for a moment let's assume that you decided to please people or maybe not all but to those who you really care for, or who really means the world to you!!

you do all those things that can make them happy, make them like you, but one mistake from your side and they start criticizing you, how are you gonna handle yourself? how do you feel then..?

Here is my thought on it..

do something that really makes you happy but more than happy, satisfied.

in order to make yourself happy don't be mean, remember the ethics and consequences of your deeds.

right people accept you, negative people criticize you no matter how hard you try.

be responsible for your things no matter if it's good things or bad.. 

cuz if something happens very bad, you can at least take a calm breath that it was your decision but if it was other's decision then? are you ready to take someone's wrong decision as your destiny ..NO right,

then why give a single thought? be energetic, be progressive, be happy, stop caring and start living your life.

YOLO( you only live once )

be the person that everyone likes or gets inspiration from but in order to be that don't compromise your things, your happiness.

and believe me on this, that we attract what we are, you will definitely find your kind of people out of the crowd or those who accept you the way you are.



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